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Washing Your Hair

By Salome


Bend forward with your head tucked downwards. This position relaxes your scalp and promotes circulation.

Shampoo & Condition

Shampoo serves to rid oil and impurities from hair. If you shampoo twice, only the scalp should be massaged during the second wash and not the length of your hair.

Start at your hairline and work towards the top of your head. Place your hands beneath your hair and move your fingers back and forth. If you have long hair do not make circular, zig zag, or sideways motions. It will cause excess tangling and friction which leads to breaks and hair loss.

Thoroughly rinse your hair with warm water. When all traces of shampoo are gone, rinse with cold water. The cold water makes the hair molecules shrink and easier to comb later on.

In a stroking motion apply conditioner to the length of your hair and rinse with lukewarm water.

Gently squeeze excess water from your hair. Next wrap a bath towel around your hair and squeeze from the base of your neck to hair ends.

Hair has elasticity and can stretch 1/8 to 1/6 of its original length. Using a brush on wet hair will cause it to stretch and break. Instead, part your hair into small sections. Begin at hair ends and with your fingers, or wide toothed comb, work through your hair from the ends up to the scalp.

How Often?

For medium to bra length hair - wash the length no more than twice a week.
For very long hair - wash the length no more than once a week.
For every day or every other day shampoos wash only the scalp.

Drying your Hair

Allowing your hair to air dry is optimal, blow dryers damage. But if you do blow dry, use the cool setting. Dry the roots first then the hair length.


Brushing keeps the scalp supple and promotes circulation which feeds the hair roots. It also distributes needed oils from your scalp along the length of your hair. Those oils actually serve to protect your hair against weather conditions and other stresses.

A brush with natural bristles and wooden base is recommended. The natural bristles are closest to the hair structure itself and less likely to produce tangles in long hair while the wooden base helps eliminate static electricity.

Stand with your feet slightly apart and bend forward, your dry hair should be hanging before your face. Gently brush starting from the roots at the base of your neck and moving toward the end of the hair. Follow each brush stroke with the open palm of your other hand. This will counteract a build up of static electricity. Try working up to 50 brush strokes a day!

Advice taken from the George Michael practices