Advertise with Salome Productions
Consider advertising through our network of websites,, and Our websites are highly trafficked (contact us for current visitor/page view statistics) and are host to your target audience. We offer click through, competitive rates and limited advertisers.
Size: 320 pixels wide x 265 pixels tall
Placement: homepage only
Cost: $20
Graphic Banner on
Size: 159 pixels wide x 124 pixels tall
Placement: footer of every forum page (including homepage)
After checking out, use the "E-mail Salome" link above to send your banner as an attachment, along with the url you wish it to click-thru to. It will be published within 48 hours or sooner.
Banner Design $35
If desired, our graphic design artist can create a banner for you. You will need to provide the photograph you wished used, along with the text you want to appear in the ad and the url it should click-thru to.
Payment Processing
We utilize PayPal as our payment processor. This means that all financial transactions are processed through PayPal, a trusted and secure site. Our Pro Virtual Terminal allows for payment from a PayPal account OR alternatively any major credit or debit card. If you prefer not to make an online transaction, we will accept a cashiers check or a money order (US funds only). Mailing address to be furnished upon request.